This training curriculum and module presentations address challenges that frontline health care workers face in motivating clients within the HIV services continuum to make informed decisions that lead to sustained, positive outcomes. The curriculum focuses on listening and communication skills for addressing risk behaviors related to sex, alcohol and drug use, HIV testing and treatment adherence.
Motivational Counseling Training Curriculum Facilitators Manual
Two versions: a high-resolution PDF (English), (French) for printing and a low-resolution PDF for low-bandwidth download
Motivational Counseling Training Curriculum Activity Worksheets/Resources
Two versions: a high-resolution PDF (English), (French) for printing and a low-resolution PDF for low-bandwidth download
PowerPoint modules:
- Understanding the Context, (French)
- Introduction to Motivational Counseling, (French)
- Reflective Listening, (French)
- Affirming, (French)
- Questioning, (French)
- Ask-Tell-Ask, (French)
- Recognizing Talk about Change, (French)
- Eliciting Talk about Change, (French)
- Dealing with Resistance, (French)
EpiC has developed an online, self-guided course on the core content of this Motivational Counseling curriculum. Learners will become familiar with motivational counseling approaches and skills through instruction, reading, quizzes, and interactive activities. This online course is a complement to the 2-3 day in-person interactive skills building training. It can be used as either an introduction to the content of the motivational counseling approach followed by an in person skills building workshop; or as a refresher for individuals who have already been trained in motivational counseling. Create a free account to enroll in the course on EpiC Learns.