Accurate product adherence measurements in microbicide/pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) studies is an ongoing challenge. Researchers compared behavioral measures (e.g., self-report, interviews, unused product count) and pharmacokinetic measures among a cohort of VOICE study participants. Despite high adherence indicated in the behavioral measures, pharmacokinetic results demonstrated low adherence. Real-time biological measures to monitor adherence should be implemented in microbicide/PrEP trials to better inform study results.
Divergent adherence estimates with pharmacokinetic and behavioural measures in the MTN-003 (VOICE) study
Written By
van der Straten A, Brown ER, Marrazzo JM, Chirenje MZ, Liu K, Gomez K, Marzinke MA, Piper JM, Hendrix CW, MTN-003 VOICE protocol team for the Microbicide Trials Network