
January 29, 2024
Navigating the path to neglected tropical disease elimination following a historic funding pledge
As 2023 came to a close, global donors joined together to pledge US$777.2 million to accelerate progress toward eliminating cer…
As 2023 came to a close, global donors joined t…
Written byAchille Kabore, director, neglected tropical diseases, FHI 360+more
October 26, 2023
A missing piece of the puzzle in girls’ education
In both ordinary times and times of crisis, one of the best ways to tackle many of the issues facing the world today — from pov…
In both ordinary times and times of crisis, one…
Written byYolande Miller-Grandvaux, Global Education Senior Strategy Advisor, FHI 360
October 24, 2023
Creating inclusive workplaces for people with disabilities
Organizations are at their best when they welcome, respect and include people of all backgrounds, including people with disabil…
Organizations are at their best when they welco…
October 09, 2023
Rethink summer school to enhance and accelerate learning
While disparities have long existed in education, the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic have made them even more apparent.   …
While disparities have long existed in educatio…
Written byNancy Gannon, Senior Advisor for Teaching and Learning, FHI 360
October 02, 2023
Why we’re joining forces to take on the global nutrition and food crisis
For the past 10 years, the number of undernourished people in the world has been increasing at an alarming rate. In 2022, aroun…
For the past 10 years, the number of undernouri…
Written byTessie San Martin, Chief Executive Officer, FHI 360+more
August 02, 2023
To improve maternal, newborn and child health, don’t forget fathers
Undernutrition is associated with 45% of child deaths worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. Supporting women w…
Undernutrition is associated with 45% of child …
Written bySolomon Atuman, Nutrition Coordinator, Integrated Humanitarian Assistance to Northeast Nigeria (IHANN) project, FHI 360
July 26, 2023
Machine learning can help prevent interruption of HIV treatment
To help reach the UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets by 2025, the public health community must ensure that people living with HIV have acc…
To help reach the UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets by 20…
Written byNavindra Persaud, Technical Director, Strategic Information, Global Health and Population, FHI 360+more
April 28, 2023
Putting a future within reach for refugee and displaced students around the world
Conflict, forced relocation and climate change have disrupted the lives of millions of people around the world. In Ukraine, for…
Conflict, forced relocation and climate change …
Written bySnizhana Leu, Senior Workforce Development Manager for USAID Economic Resilience Activity – Ukraine, FHI 360+more
April 27, 2023
Evidence at the speed of tech
There are over 200 million women around the world who do not wish to become pregnant and who are not currently using contracept…
There are over 200 million women around the wor…
Written bySarah Brittingham, Senior Technical Officer, Research Utilization, FHI 360+more