Resource Type: EpiC resources

  • Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Programming

    The COVID-19 pandemic has deeply affected mental health, as well as health systems, creating a sense of urgency to ensure that people can access mental health and psychosocial support services (MHPSS). To support countries around the world in delivering MHPSS, FHI 360’s Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) project created the 8Cs Model technical…

  • Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC): COVID-19 Country Resources

    Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) is a five-year global project funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Originally designed to address a broad variety of HIV prevention, care, treatment, and structural interventions, EpiC started implementing programs to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and bolster health systems to address COVID-19 in early…

  • Providing Care and Support to Children of Female Sex Workers: Training for Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Program Staff

    Children of female sex workers (CFSWs) are a highly vulnerable group of children due to their exposure to a combination of health, social, and economic risk factors. These children often live in extreme poverty, experience food insecurity, have poor access to essential services, and are at increased risk of HIV infection, as well as physical,…

  • Community-led Monitoring Resources

    The EpiC project’s Community-led Monitoring (CLM) resources empower program participants and the local community to monitor and improve the quality of HIV services. As described in the technical guide, the CLM system has four components for collecting client feedback, negotiating quality improvement solutions with health providers and decision-makers, and monitoring progress toward addressing issues to…

  • Multi-Month Dispensing of Antiretroviral Medications for Adolescents and Children Living with HIV

    This set of tools educates and encourages discussion about multi-month dispensing (MMD) of antiretroviral medications between providers, case workers, counselors, caregivers, and children and adolescents living with HIV. The job aids will help providers orient clients and caregivers to MMD and support them in identifying and addressing challenges with the treatment. The client literacy materials…

  • Index Testing and Risk Network Referral: Program Implementation Orientation and Training Package

    This facilitators guide and accompanying PowerPoint slides are for use by HIV programmers to train on and develop, adapt or revise index texting services for people living with HIV and their children, sexual and drug-injecting partners, and peers in their risk and social networks. The package includes tools that can be adapted to the local…

  • Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC): Decentralized Drug Distribution

    The Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) project provides strategic technical assistance and direct service delivery to achieve HIV epidemic control and promote self-reliant management of national HIV programs by improving HIV case finding, prevention, treatment programming and viral load suppression. These technical resources offer knowledge and tools from the EpiC project that can…

  • Motivational Counseling: A Training in Advanced Interpersonal Communication Skills

    This training curriculum and module presentations address challenges that frontline health care workers face in motivating clients within the HIV services continuum to make informed decisions that lead to sustained, positive outcomes. The curriculum focuses on listening and communication skills for addressing risk behaviors related to sex, alcohol and drug use, HIV testing and treatment…