The resources on this page are from the Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) project, which in August 2022 began receiving funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to address mpox (formerly called “monkeypox”) outbreaks in eight countries: Benin, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Dominican Republic, Ghana, Guatemala, Jamaica, Morocco and Nigeria. The resources on this page show how EpiC leveraged its existing foundations to accelerate the emergency response to mpox in key technical areas, including strengthening national public health surveillance systems and infection prevention and control programs; supporting health workers and health emergency systems; supporting the creation of communication and community engagement strategies; and planning for the availability and delivery of future vaccines, point-of-care diagnostics, and treatment.
Mpox resources:
- Mpox Fact Sheet and Considerations for HIV Programs (English)
- Fiche d’information sur la variole du singe et considérations relatives aux programmes de lutte contre le VIH (French)
- Ficha Informativa sobre mpox e Considerações para Programas de HIV (Portuguese)
- Mpox Training Resources—User Guide
- Mpox Training for Clinical Providers (PDF) (English, French)
- Mpox Training for Clinical Providers (Powerpoint) (English, French)
- Mpox Training for Peer Outreach Workers
Risk communication and community engagement tools and materials: