This guideline provides specific instructions for program implementers on how to design and conduct a survey among KP individuals to collect and assess basic information about their exposure to programs, services they are receiving or would like to receive, and HIV risk and vulnerability. The survey is conducted annually by non-research personnel at selected hot spots in the program’s catchment area. Conducted as instructed, using the tools provided, this survey can help organizations improve and tailor programming, assess coverage and some dimensions of quality, and track progress toward targets for KP-oriented HIV programs. This survey approach is one of the recommended methods in the Prevention Outcome Monitoring Toolkit, which is part of the Measurement Guidance for Global Fund Supported HIV Prevention Programmes (Global Fund, 2024).
- Guideline — Provides step-by step instructions for conducting a survey (English Word, English PDF)
- Pre-survey Preparation — Slide presentation with activity instructions and speaker notes to guide the planning phase of the survey (English PowerPoint, English PDF)
- Stakeholder Engagement Meeting — Slide presentation with speaker notes to guide an informational session for stakeholders (English PowerPoint, English PDF)
- Data Collectors Training — Slide presentation with activity instructions and speaker notes to prepare program staff/data collectors to conduct the survey (English PowerPoint, English PDF)
- Forthcoming Tool 1. Sample size calculator (English Excel)
- Forthcoming Tool 2. Hot spot list generator (English Excel)
- Forthcoming Tool 3. Hot spot list (English Excel)
- Forthcoming Tool 4. Data consolidation sheet (English Excel)
- Forthcoming Tool 5. Data total sheet (English Excel)