August 2016 — This study provides a new lens for understanding labor market information systems (LMIS) and offers guidance for the focus and sequencing of investments in their development. We argue that traditional technical assistance to support LMIS in Africa has neither succeeded in improving the functioning of labor markets nor achieved sustainability of the systems themselves, because of a narrow focus on producing employment statistics at the macro-level. Though such efforts are much needed, a more comprehensive and integrated approach will be required to address the urgent information needs of youth and employers and to realize the African Union’s ambition to elevate the roles of labor market institutions and LMIS as “important components of national economic development planning” over the coming five years.
A Roadmap for the Development of Labor Market Information Systems
Documents / Downloads
- A Roadmap for the Development of Labor Market Information Systems
- Feuille de route pour le developpement de systemes d’information sur le marche du travail (Télécharger la publication)