By analyzing a text about credit scores, students learn about lending practices and how credit scores influence the ability to borrow money.
Borrow (Getting loans, Managing credit)
CTE (Career and technical education), English or language arts, Social studies or history
High school (9-10), High school (11-12)
45-60 minutes
Big idea
A person’s credit score is a number that communicates their history of paying back loans or paying bills.
Essential questions
- How are credit scores determined?
- What results in high or low credit scores?
- Understand what a credit score is and why it’s important
- Recognize what factors are used to calculate credit scores
What students will do
- Read and analyze a text about credit scores to understand how credit scores are calculated.
- Discuss their text analysis with the class.
- Identify three things a person can do that may result in a high credit score.
Download activity
Teacher guide
Student materials
Note: Please remember to consider your students’ accommodations and special needs to ensure that all students are able to participate in a meaningful way.