2002-2007 – These publications provide evaluations and results stemming from FHI 360’s Implementing AIDS Prevention and Care (IMPACT) project in Egypt and the Middle East and North Africa region. Funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, IMPACT helped develop a national response to HIV/AIDS, strengthening the capacity of the Government of Egypt and civil society organizations to implement prevention and care services relating to HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. The project also produced significant data on HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections.
IMPACT: A Decade of Global Leadership and Innovation
July 2007 — The Implementing AIDS Prevention and Care (IMPACT) project was a global program implemented by FHI 360 and five partners and funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development. One of the world’s largest and most ambitious HIV/AIDS programs, IMPACT provided comprehensive prevention, care and treatment services while expanding the number of people and geographical areas covered by HIV interventions. From 1997 to 2007, IMPACT reached more than 75 countries with programs that focused on four priorities:
• Reducing HIV transmission in large segments of the population
• Reducing morbidity and mortality due to HIV/AIDS
• Improving the quality of life of the majority of people living with HIV/AIDS
• Mitigating the impact of the epidemic, especially on orphans and other vulnerable children
In developing country settings all over the globe, IMPACT extended lives, prevented disease, allowed infants to enter the world free of illness, cared for orphans, helped adolescents make lifesaving choices and enabled others to die with dignity. By strengthening the capacity of local governments and institutions, IMPACT ensured that developing countries will benefit for years to come.
This final report summarizes some of IMPACT’s key accomplishments and interventions from its inception to its closing and suggests some possible paths for the way forward.