Students demonstrate their understanding of how insurance minimizes financial risk by creating a commercial that features a specific type of insurance product.
Protect (Managing risk, Using insurance)
CTE (Career and technical education), English or language arts, Fine arts and performing arts, Physical education or health, Social studies or history
High school (9-10), High school (11-12)
75-90 minutes
Big idea
When you purchase insurance, you gain some protection from the financial burdens that unexpected events can cause.
Essential questions
- What are some unexpected events that could cause a financial burden?
- How does having insurance help reduce financial risk?
- Understand how insurance creates shared risk between the policyholder and the insurance company
- Describe unexpected events that could cause a financial burden
- Create a commercial showing the risks associated with not having insurance
What students will do
- Review basic information about insurance.
- Brainstorm examples of unexpected events that could hurt someone’s finances without the proper insurance.
- Work with a partner or small group to create a commercial showing the risks of not having insurance.
- Perform their commercial for classmates and watch the other commercials.
Download activity
Teacher guide
Student materials
Note: Please remember to consider your students’ accommodations and special needs to ensure that all students are able to participate in a meaningful way.