After learning what it means to be a responsible borrower or lender, students write their own ending to a short story about borrowing and lending money.
Borrow (Getting loans)
English or language arts, Social studies or history
Elementary school (2-3), Elementary school (4-5)
45-60 minutes
Big idea
It’s helpful to have an agreement for borrowing or lending money and to stick to that agreement.
Essential questions
- What makes a good borrower?
- What makes a good lender?
- Explore the characteristics of a good borrower and a good lender
- Understand the importance of sticking to an agreement when you borrow or lend something
What students will do
- Read a story about borrowing and lending money.
- Write an ending for the story.
Download activity
Teacher guide
Student materials
Note: Please remember to consider your students’ accommodations and special needs to ensure that all students are able to participate in a meaningful way.