The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Tuberculosis Private Sector (TBPS) activity works with private-sector health providers in Indonesia to increase tuberculosis (TB) case detection and reporting, enhance access to state-of-the-art diagnostics and medicines, and promote public-sector stewardship for a sustained commitment to a TB-free Indonesia.
USAID TBPS partners with mClinica, Meridian Group International, Results for Development and local foundations and community groups to:
- Support the Indonesian National TB Program to increase access to convenient, close-to-home, quality-assured TB services that are responsive to patient preferences
- Improve private-provider diagnostic quality and treatment outcomes for TB patients seeking care in the private sector
- Increase private-sector case notification contributions to the national TB case detection rate
- Improve systemic and effective district-level, public-private mix implementation through adoption of evidence-based proofs of concept
To improve financing for TB services, USAID TBPS partners with the Ministry of Health and Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (the Indonesian social health insurance mechanism) to implement and evaluate innovative reforms for strategic health purchasing for TB services through universal health. If these financial incentives demonstrate improvement in TB diagnosis, notification and treatment, national adoption will lead to major health system changes.
This approach works within the National TB Program’s District Public-Private Mix mechanism to engage primary- and secondary-care providers, diagnostic laboratories and pharmacies for referrals, diagnosis, case notification, treatment adherence and treatment success. USAID TBPS bridges the gap between the government and private health sectors at the district level by improving on-the-ground access to data and information for TB program planning and implementation, facilitating knowledge exchange, developing stakeholder “champions of the cause,” and ensuring uptake of sustainable solutions. USAID TBPS is a key partner in supporting private-sector engagement toward the goal of eliminating TB in Indonesia by 2030.