The two-year Participatory Peace Processes in Timbuktu project will provide a people-to-people approach to mediate inter- and intra-ethnic conflict in the Timbuktu region of Mali. This project was awarded under the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Conflict Management and Mitigation Annual Program Statement.
FHI 360 will support the recipient of the award, Association Malienne pour la Survie au Sahel (AMSS), to ensure that the project is responsive to conflict dynamics and to implement pilot activities that provide a potentially scalable approach for community cohesion across Mali. FHI 360 will also provide AMSS with capacity development services, which will enable the local organization to successfully manage direct USAID funding and advance its reputation as a trusted local partner for USAID.
The expected intermediate results of the program are:
- A decrease in violent conflict due to use of participatory conflict mediation processes
- An increase in the capacity of local organizations to make local peace processes more effective and inclusive
- Increased community resilience in the support of conflict prevention and social cohesion