Through the Ma3an project, FHI 360 is working to strengthen resilience in 30 Tunisian communities. The project works to engage marginalized youth, identify and reduce community-specific vulnerabilities, and catalyze and harness public and private sector resources to create a lasting foundation for social cohesion and resilience.
FHI 360 uses a community resilience process to increase the capacity of communities to withstand political, social or economic stresses and shocks. The process begins with youth-led mapping of community opportunities and challenges. The youth mappers then present their findings and priorities at collaborative stakeholder action-planning workshops and work with a cross-section of community stakeholders to develop activities that address the prioritized needs. These activities strengthen collaboration among community members while also addressing community and youth development needs.
Ma3an is a five-year project funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development. Originally called the Tunisia Resilience and Community Empowerment (TRACE) project, Ma3an works with international partners IREX and Search for Common Ground and Tunisian partners Institut Arabe des Chefs d’Entreprises and Jeunesse Sans Frontières.