Inspire SBC is a five-year initiative funded by USAID and led by FHI 360, focused on improving global health and development outcomes by increasing the use of theory-informed, evidence-based and locally led social and behavior change (SBC) programming.
Inspire SBC emphasizes facilitating lasting change by empowering individuals, families and communities to embrace and sustain healthy behaviors and norms. The activity will support local communities and leaders to take ownership of designing, implementing and evaluating high-quality, evidence-based SBC programs and research.
By prioritizing local SBC leadership, Inspire SBC ensures that interventions are tailored to the unique needs of the communities they serve, fostering improved health outcomes across key areas such as global health security; maternal, newborn and child health; nutrition; malaria; HIV; and family planning, among others.
The Inspire SBC activity also accommodates non-health bureau work, leveraging its consortium’s extensive experience in apply SBC strategies across both health and non-health areas. These include SBC applications within agriculture and food security; democracy, human rights, and governance; education; economic opportunity; humanitarian response; and water, sanitation and hygiene.
FHI 360 is working alongside several partners to implement Inspire SBC, including the African Society for Social and Behavior Change (AS-SBC), Centre for Behaviour Change and Communication (CBCC), Data Science Nigeria (DSN), Fraym, IPE Global, N’weti, ONG RAES, Save the Children, and YUX. This team, together with local SBC partners and systems actors, will drive impactful, sustainable and inclusive SBC programming to achieve shared health and development objectives.