FHI 360 works with the U.S. government’s Head Start program in several capacities. Funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Head Start, we work with Region XII migrant and seasonal program grantees, the National American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start Collaboration Office, the National Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Collaboration Office and the National Center on Program Management and Fiscal Operations.
The Office of Head Start provides grants for local agencies to manage services to families and children under 5 years of age. Services focus on school readiness, transition from Head Start programs to public schools, child care and community services, family literacy, health services, child welfare, services to children experiencing homelessness and more.
Head Start Region XII
FHI 360’s early care and education team partners with the Region XII office to conduct training and technical assistance to grantee agencies providing services for migrant children and families throughout the United States. We work on-site and virtually with individual and small clusters of grantees to provide targeted technical assistance and training sessions on topics such as school readiness, child welfare and health services.
National Head Start Collaboration Offices
FHI 360 provides staff, including collaboration directors, for the National American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start Collaboration Office (NAIANHSCO) and the National Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Collaboration Office (NMSHSCO). These offices identify potential partners and foster new partnerships across multiple states. These alliances strive to build a sustainable, comprehensive, early learning system for Head Start children and families and to ensure that the voices of tribal members and migrants are represented in policymaking and planning decisions at the national, state and local level.
The collaboration directors work with the Office of Head Start and regional managers to conduct nationally focused projects that meet specific government goals and objectives. These national projects focus on transition to public school, quality workforce development, child care, health services, mental health, services to children with disabilities and more.
National Center on Program Management and Fiscal Operations
FHI 360 provides support to the National Center on Program Management and Fiscal Operations (NCPMFO) through management systems, monitoring, self-assessment, planning, program governance, data collection, analysis, budgeting and cost allocation. We partner with the Anderson School of Management at the University of California at Los Angeles and ZERO TO THREE.
NCPMFO works with the Office of Head Start to strengthen program management, disseminate evidence-based management strategies and fiscal policies, and deliver consistent messages to the early childhood community.
Nurturing a nation and its children