Through the USAID Enhancing Quality of Healthcare Activity II (EQHA II), FHI 360, local organizations (KHANA and Kawsang) and international partner organizations (ThinkWell and Data Elevates) work in close collaboration with Cambodia’s Ministry of Health to (a) improve evidence-based policy, guidelines and strategies for more effective and efficient health systems; (b) strengthen the capacity of the public and private sectors to implement, monitor and evaluate quality assurance systems and processes based on national standards; and (c) improve service quality in public and private health facilities across seven provinces. By strengthening and sustaining a high-quality, harmonized health system, FHI 360 and our local partners are working to ensure better health outcomes for all Cambodians.
EQHA II aims to continue progress made by EQHA, through which FHI 360 established a national health care accreditation system and regulatory framework and worked to improve the quality of health care services at hospitals and health centers across six provinces. Our team, with its extensive experience in service delivery, capacity development and health systems strengthening, will build upon EQHA’s successful foundation to continue improving health services and outcomes.