FHI 360’s strategic communication and social marketing expertise addresses nutrition and diet issues in the United States. Current work is on childhood obesity prevention, childhood obesity research, and diabetes education and management. Through message development, social media support, communication research and evaluation, and training and technical assistance, we help our clients communicate about breastfeeding, food and nutrition security, added sugars and other nutrition-related topics in accurate, effective and relevant ways.
- For the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity, FHI 360 implemented “Rethink Your Drink” — an online media campaign for the division and others to learn what messages help people consider reducing their sugary drink consumption. Findings from this small-scale campaign are being used to inform larger “Rethink Your Drink” efforts.
- For the CDC’s Division of Diabetes Translation, we integrated mindful eating practices into a curriculum for people living with diabetes, created tip cards that promote eating for better health and curated short videos from existing trainings on such topics as community collaboration and improving food security.
- FHI 360 is the Coordinating Center for the National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity (NCCOR), which accelerates progress in childhood obesity research. NCCOR projects explore the role of nutrition in obesity research and provide tools for researchers and practitioners to assess individual dietary intake and the food environment. The NCCOR Measures Registry Resource Suite includes a database of available measures, user guides and learning modules to assess individual diet and food environment. NCCOR also helped develop the first iteration of the SNAP-Ed toolkit that incorporates evidence-based nutrition and obesity strategies for the national Supplemental Food Assistance Program (SNAP).
A Toolkit for Providing Diabetes Programs at Food Banks