FHI 360 is committed to developing and supporting local capacity in the countries where we work. We are proud to partner with our allied organizations, which began as FHI 360-founded affiliates and have grown to become independent entities.
Abuja, Nigeria
Achieving Health Nigeria Initiative (AHNi) is a Nigerian nonprofit organization established in 2009 to provide high-quality health and development research and services through technical assistance to the Government of Nigeria and other stakeholders in the public health sector. Its research and projects focus on preventing and reducing the impact of infectious and chronic diseases and increasing access to high-quality sexual and reproductive health services.
Gold Star Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya
Gold Star Kenya grew out of a social franchise initiative known as Gold Star Network that focused on HIV prevention, care and treatment services. Established in 2010, this local nonprofit organization works in partnership with the public and private health sectors in Kenya. The reach of Gold Star Kenya today extends beyond HIV/AIDS to include results-driven interventions and integrated services in local communities to address tuberculosis and malaria, maternal health, neonatal and child health, family planning and reproductive health, and noncommunicable diseases.