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Global Resilience Against Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (GRAD-TB)

FHI 360 is working to prevent, detect and treat drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) through the Global Resilience Against Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (GRAD-TB) project.

Inspire SBC

FHI 360 leads the Inspire SBC activity, which aims to increase use of theory-informed, evidence-based and locally led SBC programming.

Qualifying, Testing, Issuing (QTI) Project

FHI 360 implements a quality assurance program through the USAID Qualifying, Testing, Issuing project to ensure that health commodities procured for USAID are safe, effective, and of acceptable quality.

STRengthening Infectious disease DEtection Systems (STRIDES)

Through the STRIDES Activity, FHI 360 is supporting partner countries to strengthen their capacities to prevent, detect and mitigate epidemics, pandemics and new infectious disease threats.

Cambodia USAID Enhancing Quality of Healthcare Activity II (EQHA II)

The USAID-EQHA II project aims to strengthen Cambodia’s health system and improve health outcomes by applying a variety of quality improvement approaches.

Project for Humanitarian Assistance Serving Eastern DRC (PHASED)

North Kivu and Ituri provinces in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) are experiencing complex emergencies resulting from years of armed conflict, struggles for control over natural resources, intercommunity violence over land rights, and natural disasters. Due to the continued presence of armed groups and the lack of control by the country’s military, […]