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Scholarship puts education and in-demand jobs within reach

In Guatemala, Honduras and Paraguay, the Realizing Equitable Access, Retention and Completion in Higher Education (REACH) project increases access to market-relevant higher education and training for marginalized young people.
A young father works on schoolwork while his daughter hugs him.

Bridge to Employment mentors propel Trenton students toward their futures

In partnership with the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) Foundation, FHI 360 helps implement Bridge to Employment, a college and career readiness program for young people from underserved communities.
Teacher assisting students.

An online English language network builds knowledge — and creates hope

Lealem Techane, who runs a language school in Ethiopia’s Tigray region, shares what he learned from participating in a class for English teachers through the Online Professional English Network (OPEN).

‘My future depends on me’: Preparing youth for high-growth jobs in the Dominican Republic

Preparing young people from marginalized communities for high-skill, high-growth jobs is the aim of the Advance (known locally as “Avanza,” meaning “get going” in Spanish) program in the Dominican Republic. Funded by USAID (the U.S. Agency for International Development) and carried out by FHI 360, Avanza works closely with local institutions to prepare young people […]

A teacher in Ghana receives new tools to boost early grade reading

Raphael Ayeriba is a primary school teacher and curriculum lead at Bambaya Presbyterian Primary School in the Yendi Municipal District in northern Ghana. For 11 years, he and other early grade teachers have had difficulty helping pupils learn to read. Teachers like Raphael have had inadequate reading materials and training in instructional approaches to facilitate […]