March 2019 — The Komuniti Lukautim Meri (KLOM) project conducted a survey to measure whether there had been a reduction in gender-based violence as a result of the project intervention. The survey used the same indicators as the baseline survey conducted in 2014. This survey presents the current situation by indicator and makes recommendations for future interventions.
Survey on Family Well-being in Western Highlands and Sanduan (West Sepik) Provinces
June 2014 — This baseline survey in Papua New Guinea was conducted to identify attitudes toward violence and an understanding of the social norms involved and the levels of knowledge among participants. It is a household-based, cross-sectional, quantitative study using two-stage cluster sampling. Survey teams visited households to interview selected participants. The data reveal how harmful gender norms are the root cause of violence against women in communities where forced marriage, restriction of movement, denial of land and property ownership and acceptance of marital rape remain common. The authors hope that these findings will be used to inform new activities that bring an end to violence against women in these communities.