Students work with a partner to research information about teen drivers and the “Good Student” insurance discount.
Protect (Managing risk, Using insurance)
English or language arts
Middle school (6-8)
45-60 minutes
Big idea
Being a responsible teen driver and a good student can earn a student discount on car insurance.
Essential questions
- Why are teens considered high-risk drivers?
- How can being a good student earn an auto insurance discount?
- Analyze information about teen drivers
- Evaluate risk factors, premiums, and financial responsibility related to auto insurance for teens
- Learn how being a good student can help earn an auto insurance discount
What students will do
- Research information about teen driving on the Insurance Information Institute website. [1]
- Research information about how being a good student can earn an automobile insurance discount.
[1] The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau does not endorse this third party or guarantee the accuracy of this third-party information.
Download activity
Teacher guide
Student materials
Note: Please remember to consider your students’ accommodations and special needs to ensure that all students are able to participate in a meaningful way.