Students calculate different investments’ rate of return to measure their performance and then answer questions about investing.
Save and invest (Investing)
CTE (Career and technical education), English or language arts, Math
High school (9-10), High school (11-12)
45-60 minutes
Big idea
Rate of return is a common way to measure and compare the growth of investments.
Essential questions
- What is rate of return?
- How does rate of return help you determine how well investments have performed?
- Understand how rate of return helps measure investments’ performance
- Use a simple rate of return formula to calculate investments’ gains or losses
What students will do
- Calculate the rate of return for different investments.
- Share their thoughts on topics related to investing.
Download activity
Teacher guide
Student materials
Note: Please remember to consider your students’ accommodations and special needs to ensure that all students are able to participate in a meaningful way.