FHI 360’s clinical trials have evaluated the safety, effectiveness and acceptability of virtually every contraceptive method. For example, we are currently supporting the identification and early testing of innovative approaches to a longer-acting injectable contraceptive. The project is the first step toward bringing a game-changing injectable contraceptive to market that will empower couples to determine the size of their families and improve quality of life.
Our comprehensive approach to family planning and reproductive health research includes the use of qualitative methods as well as traditional clinical trials. For example, through a qualitative study funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, our researchers found that African couples who participated in the peer-outreach study, the Male Motivator project, were more likely to use contraception and also reported improved couples communication.
Another aspect of our integrated approach, FHI 360’s Mobile for Reproductive Health (m4RH) projects use mobile devices and wireless communications to collect vital health data. We have developed systems and content to keep doctors and nurses current on clinical developments. We have also designed and implemented text messaging systems to answer consumers’ questions about reproductive health.