Implementation science is the study of methods to promote more systematic application of research evidence into health care policy and practice. Through multidisciplinary research, FHI 360 addresses the gaps between knowledge development and widespread uptake of evidence-based innovations in actual practice.
We test new approaches to implementation and explore factors determining intervention impact. Our implementation science portfolio includes a broad range of methodological approaches, including formative assessments, exploratory studies, operations research, health systems research, impact evaluations, policy analyses and economic studies.
Core implementation science concepts — such as coping with real-world contexts, delivering interventions at scale and achieving maximum population-level health outcomes from the investment of limited resources — are at the heart of global health practice. Expanded application of implementation science to global health, therefore, holds great promise for advancing this research discipline. In turn, implementation science offers the global health field a new set of evaluation approaches and tools that can close the gap between what we know works and what we actually do.