FHI 360’s education efforts focus on improving teaching and learning, involving parents in schools, creating more opportunities for girls, supporting children with disabilities and integrating technology into education.
Our experts recognize that, in order to be successful, young people require sophisticated skills such as critical thinking, communication and problem solving. At the primary level, our programs strengthen basic education and improve early-grade reading. At the secondary level, we work to increase access to a relevant, high-quality education. This, in turn, allows youth to gain the knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviors and values they need to engage positively with society — making healthy choices, transitioning from school to work and pursuing multiple pathways to a productive future.
FHI 360 works with governments in the United States and other countries to strengthen their educational system and promote pro-youth policy initiatives. Our programs make use of the latest educational research, strategies and interventions; strengthen the capacity of government ministries and staff; and encourage the participation of civil society, parents and families. Our foundational Education Management Information System (EMIS) platform gives ministries of education 21st century tools for collecting, analyzing and using real-time educational data.
Far too often, young people drop out of school. Reasons range from needing to work to supporting their families to lacking engagement in education. Our programs, such as the Johnson & Johnson Bridge to Employment program, help provide young people with a second chance to secure the educational and life skills that will allow them to succeed.