This study demonstrates the feasibility and benefits of the Microbicide Trials Network (MTN) longitudinal study (MTN-015) to monitor virologic, immunological and clinical outcomes, as well as behavioral changes and counseling among women who acquire HIV during MTN trials. The study highlights challenges that resulted in delays of study activation and enrollment. The lessons learned from these challenges have been addressed for women in subsequent cohorts of MTN-015.
Long-term follow-up of HIV seroconverters in microbicide trials — rationale, study design, and challenges in MTN-015
Written By
Riddler SA, Husnik M, Gorbach PM, Levy L, Parikh U, Livant E, Pather A, Makanani B, Muhlanga F, Kasaro M, Martinson F, Elharrar V, Balkus JE, MTN-015 protocol team for the Microbicide Trials Network