This study assessed HIV service delivery in six Asia and Pacific countries from the perspective of service availability, linking approaches, and performance monitoring for maximizing HIV case detection and retention. The study findings would help each country critically adapt and adopt global recommendations on HIV service decentralization, linkages and integration.
HIV service delivery models towards ‘Zero AIDS-related Deaths’: A collaborative case study of six Asia and Pacific countries
Written By
Fujita M, Poudel KC, Green K, Wi T, Abeyewickreme I, Ghidinelli M, Kato M, Vun MC, Sopheap S, San KO, Bollen P, Rai KK, Dahal A, Bhandari D, Boas P, Yaipupu J, Sirinirund P, Saonuam P, Duong BD, Nhan DT, Thu NT, Jimba M.