Studies of HIV prevention products face challenges with adherence and adherence reporting. This paper presents the convergence interviews that were developed and implemented during the Microbicide Trials Network (MTN) 017 study. The authors demonstrated that brief convergence interviews and pharmacokinetic data convergence interviews were feasible in adherence counseling sessions and, in general, participants would clarify with the counselors any discrepancies between adherence measures.
Brief participant-centered convergence interviews integrate self-reports, product returns, and pharmacokinetic results to improve adherence measurement in MTN-017
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Balán IC, Giguere R, Brown W III, Carballo-Diéguez A, Horn S, Hendrix CW, Marzinke MA, Ayudhya RP, Patterson K, Piper JM, McGowan I, Lama JR, Cranston RD, MTN-017 protocol team