The authors found high adherence and acceptability to intravaginal rings containing antiretroviral drugs, indicating women’s desire and willingness to use this promising female-controlled HIV prevention method. The article examines issues to address during a potential rollout that include strategies to support women’s use of an intravaginal ring during menses and how to negotiate use with sexual partners.
A mixed-methods study examining adherence to and acceptability of intravaginal rings for HIV prevention: Behavioral results of MTN-027
Written By
Bauermeister JA, Golinkoff JM, Carballo-Diéguez A, Giguere R, López D, Hoesley CJ, Chen BA, Anderson P, Dezzutti CS, Strizki J, Sprinkle C, Heard F, Hall W, Jacobson C, Berthiaume J, Mayo A, Richardson BA, Piper J, Microbicide Trials Network 027 study team